Monday, October 22, 2007

October 22, 2007

Garrett finally has a diagnosis. It is Neuroendocrine Cell Carcinoid Cancer. It is a very, very uncommon and very rare. It is also very hard to diagnose, obviously. They are investigating what they feel would be the best treatment. The surgeon wants them to get two different Oncologist's opinions for the treatment just because it is so uncommon. The conventional chemo and radiation are not used on this type of cancer. They want to do more testing because they feel it may be in other places than just the lung and liver. They suspect it could be in his colon, intestines, and/or stomach becuase he has had severe stomach bloating. Garrett also has an appointment with a Cardiologist tomorrow. I mentioned in my previous entry that his lips turned blue right before his biopsy last week. The surgeon recommended that Garrett have a cardiac workup.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Garrett keep your head up. We are all thinking and praying for you. You will come out on top, I know it! We all love you.