Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Wednesday, December 23rd

Garrett had his 6 month follow-up appointment at Moffitt Cancer Center on Tuesday, December 15th. He did NOT get a good report this time. The cancer has spread down the middle of both lungs. In the past, the tumor in his lung has stayed the same. It has also gone outside of the liver as well as into the lymph nodes of the liver. The original tumors that were shrinking from the embolizations last summer, have started to grow again as well. Garrett had not been feeling all that great over the past couple of months so they were expecting some changes but not to this extent. The oncologist wants to increase his monthly shot as well as the frequency. They are looking into some clinical trials since there isn't a lot of treatment available for this rare cancer at this time. Needless to say, they have some research to do and decisions to make in the new year. Please keep them in your prayers. We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a HEALTHY 2010!!