Sunday, October 28, 2007

October 28, 2007

Garrett had an appointment on Friday with his original Oncologist, Dr. Saker, for his first consultation after getting his diagnosis. Dr. Saker recommends Chemoembolization for the liver. For this treatment, Garrett must be hospitalized for several days. An I.V. will go directly into his liver and release chemo beads into the liver. To do this, they must cut off the blood supply to the liver. It is very painful so the hospitalization would be for pain management and to monitor the I.V. Only half of his liver can be done at a time and then they would repeat it on the other half. Dr. Saker still recommends radiation for his lung. These two treatments can't be done at the same time. Dr. Saker has ordered a Brain Scan to be done on Saturday, 11/3/07. I believe this is to see if the cancer has gone to his brain. Dr. Saker will also be ordering a colonoscopy. We do not have a date for the colonoscopy yet.

Garrett and Mom will be going next Friday, 11/2/07, to get a second opinion from the Kaiser Permenente Oncologist.

Dr. Saker has trained at the Moffett Cancer Center in Tampa, Florida. He has a call in to Dr. Kvols who I mentioned in my previous blog entry.

Garrett is having a lot of low back pain, he aches all over, and he is very tired which are all symptoms of Neuroendocrine Cell Carcinoid Cancer. Please continue to pray for him.

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