Monday, December 17, 2007

December 17, 2007

Sorry I have not updated in a while. Here is the latest information on Garrett:

The Kaiser Oncologist has started Garrett on sandostatin monthly injections. This is a non-curative injection to treat Garrett's symptoms. We were told that these injections are about all they can do for him at this point. There is not alot of known treatment for this type of cancer according to the Kaiser Oncologist. However, Mom and Garrett are trying to get an appointment with the Oncologist we mentioned before, Dr. Kvols, in Tampa, Florida. Mom has become aware of several methods of treatment for this cancer via the Internet and she has done online chats with patients of Dr. Kvols. They have assured her that there are other treatments out there. These patients have told her that you definitely have to find someone specific in this field in order to live more comfortably with this cancer.

I will update again in January once Garrett has his follow-up appointment with the Kaiser Oncologist. At that time, he will have another cat scan and repeat his 24 hour urine test to see if there are any changes from the beginning of his diagnosis until now.

Merry Christmas to everyone and hopefully 2008 will be healthier for everyone!

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