Sunday, November 18, 2007

November 18, 2007

I am going to go right to the good news first. Garrett had his colonoscopy done on Friday, 11/16/07, and the good news is.......the colon is CANCER-FREE! YAY!! He did have two polyps that they removed. They also found out that he has diverticulosis. The treatment for that is diet which means he can't have nuts, raisins, whole kernel corn, or popcorn. He also must avoid alcohol due to the diverticulosis as well as the cancer in his liver.

Now I will move on to the other results. Garrett had his full body Cat Scan and Brain Scan and more good news, his brain is also CANCER FREE! YAY AGAIN!! The body scan showed that they need to do something as soon as possible with his liver but they aren't sure exactly what yet. The Kaiser Permenente Oncologist is consulting with a liver surgeon specialist to see if surgery resectioning of the liver is possible due to the location of the lesions. The liver specialist reviewed Garrett's Cat Scan and has ordered an Octreoscan. The Octreoscan is similar to a Pet Scan but it has been designed to investigate Neuroendocrine Carcinoids. It is a two-day nuclear scan. He will go in tomorrow at 10:30 am for the nuclear injection. They will start the scan at 2:30 pm. He will need to return at 2:30 pm on Tuesday for more scanning. Once they get the results from the Octreoscan, they will then determine what type of liver treatment they will do. The Cat Scan was still not clear as to what they should do for his lung which is another reason for the Octreoscan.

We are hoping to have the results of the Octreoscan before Thanksgiving. If not, it will probably be Friday or maybe even Monday due to the holiday.

In the meantime, Garrett has either broken or severely sprained his ankle today. He will need to get through tonight with the pain and have it x-rayed tomorrow as well. Things never calm down at the Byrnes' house!

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! We are definitely thankful for his Colonoscopy and Brain Scan results!!


Anonymous said...

Garzy , watch out for eggs & pork. That is the biggest trigger for me. Oh popcorn too! Oxicondone also will plug you up! Drinking was not one of my triggers. Find your Triggers & you will be a happy camper!I find that if you write down what you eat you will find your triggers faster.
Happy Thanksgiving to you & your family !

dchrist669 said...

Garrett... Dee and I are still praying for you here in Texas. All of our love. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!